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Аникст А. А. Ремесло драматурга. М., 1974.

Пинский Л. Е. Шекспир. Основные начала драматургии. М., 1971.

Урнов М. В., Урнов Д. М. Шекспир, его герой, его время. М., 1969.

Шведов 10. Ф. Исторические хроники Шекспира. М., 1964. Шекспир в меняющемся мире (под ред. Шведова 10. Ф.). М., 1966. Шекспировские сборники. М., 1947, 1958, 1961, 1967.

Bush D. The Renaissance and Egnlich Humanism. Toronto, 1939.

Bush G. Shakespeare and the Natural Condition. Cambridge, 1956.

Campbell L. Shakespeare's Histories... San-Marino, 1947.

Cassirer et al. (Ed.). The Renaissance Philosophy of Man. Chicago, 1948.

Eagleton T. Shakespeare and Society. London, 1967.

Ferguson W. The Renaissance in Historical thought. Boston, 1948.

Eraser R. The Dark Ages and the Age of Gold. Princeton, 1973.

Fussner F. S. The Historical Revolution... London, 1962.

Hay D. Polidor Vergil. Renaissance Historian. Oxford, 1952.

Haydon H. The Counter-Renaissance. New York, 1950.

Holzknecht K. The Background of Shakespeare's plays (2 ed.). New York, 1950.

Joseph J. Shakespeare's Eden. London, 1970.

Kristeller P. Renaissance thought. New York, 1961.

Levy F. Tudor Historical Thought. San-Marino, 1967.

Lewis A. Aspects of Renaissance. London, 1967. From the Renaissance to the Counter-Reformation. Essays in Honour of G. Mattingly. New York, 1966.

Palmer J. Political Characters of Shakespeare. London, 1945.

Panofsky E. Renaissance and Renascense in Western Art. Stockholm, 1961.

Rees A. The Cease of Majesty. London, 1961.

Ribner J. The English Historical plays in the Age of Shakespeare.

Princeton, 1957. Richmond H. Shakespeare's political plays. New York, 1967.

Rogers W. Shakespeare and English History. Totowa, 1966.

Rossiter W. The English Drama from Early times. London, 1950.

Russel J. Shakespeare's Century. London, 1942.

Satin J. Shakespeare and his Sources. Boston, 1966.

Sen-Gupta S. Shakespeare's Historical plays. London, 1961.

Spalding R. The philosophy of Shakespeare. Oxford, 1953.

Stevenson R. Shakespeare's Religion Frontier. Le Hague, 1958.

Straus L. Natural Right and History. Chicago, 1953.

Tillyard E. Shakespeare's History plays. New York, 1946. The Elizabethan World picture. London, 1948.

Vyvyan J. The Shakespearen Ethics. London, 1959.

Weinmann R. Theater und Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1970.

Wilson J. Life in Shakespeare's England. New York, 1944.

Uhlig C. Traditionelle Denkformen in Shakespeare's Kunst. Hamburg, 1967.

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